The Comprehensive Environmental Education program is a series of outdoor education classes that have been integrated into the curricula of schools in East Chicago. The program services students in grades 3-12 and offers hands-on experiential education to which the students may not otherwise be exposed. The program was brought about by the collaboration of the following local organizations:


-Dunes Learning Center: The center provides much of the educational aspects of the program either directly or by educating teacher so that they know how to best carry out the program with their students.


-School City of East Chicago: These are the schools where they program takes place. The schools’ teachers teach the program lessons to the students. The schools also often provide transportation for students for any field trips associated with the program.


-ArcelorMittal Global Research and Development Facility: Students in the program take trips to the facility which boasts eight acres of restored natural areas.


-Shirley Heinze Land Trust: The trust assists in the education of students in the program and accompanies the classes on their study trips.


-Chicago Field Museum: The museum facilitates the organization of the Mighty Acorns and CIMBY portions of the program.


For more information on the program and its coordinators, visit


Foundations of East Chicago