Moms Taking Charge helped 656 total families and 1140 people in 2014. They have provided assistance to women who are heads of their families and are facing challenges every day. One of the best ways to assess the success of a program is not just by numbers, but by what those who have received help have to say.


Here are quotes from women who have had their lives improved by the assistance and services that Moms Taking Charge provides.


“The thing I have found the most helpful is the consistent, reliable support. I don’t have family or a support system in East Chicago, so I rely on MTC for a lot.”


“I love this program, I think programs like this should be everywhere.”


“I have found the parenting workshop to be very helpful. I leave them with better insight and feeling empowered.”


“I would recommend Moms Taking Charge to other women because we need one another to survive. Mothers can learn self-empowered skills and different but effective parenting techniques.”


“MTC is a much needed organization for single moms. It’s a powerful program for those who utilize it appropriately and apply the advice and techniques given in the workshops.”


“They are supportive and supply me with great resources. They take time explaining and walking me through things when I need assistance. The staff of MTC is always there for me. They give me kind but honest words of advice and instructions.”


“Moms Taking Charge is awesome. Young women need to be motivated by women like the ones at Moms Taking Charge. I have also sent moms to sign up for the program. I love them.”


Moms love Moms Taking Charge. The program has made a positive impact in these women’s lives. With the help of Foundations of East Chicago, MTC will continue to assist and empower these women.


To learn more about how the programs the Foundations of East Chicago funds, check out our website, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.