Goodwill’s Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) pairs first-time mothers with registered nurses who make ongoing home visits that ensure a great start to the lives of babies. To qualify for NFP, a woman must:
-Be less than 28 weeks (7 months) pregnant
-Have no previous live births
-Be at 200% of the poverty level or below (equivalent to the Medicaid eligibility requirement)
-Live in a county where NFP currently offers services (Delaware, Lake, Madison, Marion, Tippecanoe and White)
NFP is a free program that accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from healthcare providers. In existence since 2011, the program has fostered great success rates. NFP has seen 90% of babies born full term, 90% of babies born at a healthy weight and 93% of two-year-old children fully immunized.
The NFP began in Marion County where they serve more than 500 families today. The program has now expanded to serve more than 1,000 families. Foundations of East Chicago, a nonprofit that sponsors many health-based initiatives in the community of East Chicago, supports organizations and programs such as Nurse-Family Partnership that changes lives for the better. For information, contact NFP at or 317-524-3999.