Strategic Plan

Since adopting the Foundations’ first Strategic Plan in January 2008, individual citizens and agencies have worked with the Foundations of East Chicago to make positive impacts in the community.

The goals we set for FEC as a result of the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan include four critical community priorities:

  • Education/Job Training
  • Health
  • Safety
  • Community Enrichment

The Strategic Plan also identifies two operational and outreach priorities:

    • Maximizing the impact of investments through stronger grantee organizations who measure their program outcomes.
    • A strong and dynamic connection between the Foundations and all segments of the community.

Download the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan Here


To augment the Strategic Plan, we note other work which may help our grantees do their job and advance their Mission. These include:


    • Sustaining Improved Outcomes: A Toolkit (S. Thomas, D. Zahn) which offers ideas and examples on ways nonprofits can develop and operate to address sustained benefit from programs they offer a community.Download this toolkit. (pdf, 1.3 MB)


Reports such as these can help our funded agencies improve their ability to strengthen our community and attain sustainable, higher quality lives.

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