Winter is the worst time of year when it comes to healthy eating and physical fitness. There are so many great holiday meals and treats which makes it hard to stick to healthy habits. Also, the weather tends to keep many people inside on the couch and away from the gym. However, the East Chicago Fitness Center has an answer to this problem.
The Center has launched Fit Club which it describes as “a nutrition and exercise overhaul”. The program is designed to help patrons shed the extra holiday weight and get back to healthy habits.
Those who participate in Fit Club are signing up for a serious fitness program where they will be held accountable for their exercise and diet choices. They are given a healthy eating food guide and an individual exercise plan drafted by a certified trainer.
Throughout the program, participants are required to document their meal choices in a food journal which they share with a trainer and others in the club. There are also weekly coaching sessions and weigh-ins and monthly measurements and body fat analysis to track progress. The club atmosphere and the weekly meetings help to keep participants accountable for their actions and on the right track.
Fit Club at the Fitness Center is a product of the collaboration of Healthy East Chicago and Foundations of East Chicago, which awarded the grant to help fund the program.
For more information on the East Chicago Fitness Center and what it has to offer, visit