East Chicago Carnegie Performing Arts Center Inc. expects many positive outcomes from the implementation of the El Sistema program.
The expected benefits for those involved with the program include: improved musical skills, 90 percent attendance at after-school sessions, awareness of El Sistema and its ideals for parents and students, consistent school attendance, improved self-esteem and confidence, positive impressions of classical music and diminished behavioral concerns.
The East Chicago Arts Initiative (ECAI), an organization of which the East Chicago Carnegie Performing Arts Center is a part, will encourage individuals to stay active in the program through completion by creating different methods to hold the interest of participants. There will be incentives that will motivate students to continue with the program and excel. There will also be frequent chances for constructive feedback that help build confidence and self-esteem.
Each individual participating in the program will be monitored for attendance, behavior and progression. Elementary students will gain skills in music by actively participating in orchestra at no cost. Long-term goals for East Chicago students, include: further engagement in their education, a better focus of goals and improved self-confidence and determination.
The program will be similar to an everyday class for the students. Homework will be given every weekend so the students progress at a healthy pace. Students will also receive individual attention as well to work on areas of improvement.
For more information on El Sistema and other East Chicago community programs, visit www.FoundationsEC.org.