The Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance is a nonprofit organization which aims to improve the quality of life for Northwest Indiana residents through various services and programs. One of these programs is a cooperative known as the Lake County Housing Taskforce.


The Lake County Housing Taskforce is a cooperative agreement between the Alliance and the Lake County Community Economic Development Department. The mission of this agreement is to identify and assess housing and financial concerns facing today’s residents of Lake County.


In carrying out this mission, the cooperative conducts various evaluations. Each evaluation helps the cooperative to reach each of its five goals which are as follows:


-Identify Housing Issues in Lake County


-Identify Housing Needs


-Identify and Address Financial Concerns Impacting Housing


-Advance Communications on Housing Issues Collectively


-Develop Specific Recommendations for Policy Makers and Communities


While the evaluations help the cooperative to obtain information about the housing situation in the community, change is made when the final goal is reached. The cooperative communicates directly with policy makers and other influential people in the communities of Lake County to bring about housing and financial reform for the residents who need it most.


In addition to the Lake County Housing Taskforce, the Alliance also runs the Entrepreneurial and Small Business Project which works to help small business owners in Lake County become educated and certified.


For more information on the Lake County Housing Taskforce or the Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance, visit