The East Chicago Fitness Center has partnered with Foundations of East Chicago (FEC) and Healthy East Chicago to implement new fitness initiatives for the community of East Chicago. FEC has awarded the fitness center a general operating grant which has been used to purchase new equipment and start new fitness classes. Healthy East Chicago helps to provide health education to all fitness center patrons and community members. Some of the topics taught by Healthy East Chicago are:


-Smoking Cessation: These educational materials provide advice for smokers as well as tips for those who would like to help a loved one quit smoking.


-Preventing and Controlling High Blood Pressure: These materials help identify risk factors as well as offer advice on foods and habits to avoid.


-Diabetes: These educational materials provide information about diabetes and how it relates to smoking habits.


-Tips for Dining Out: These materials provide hints for identifying healthier options on restaurant menus and lists healthy alternatives to traditional favorite dishes.


For more information on how FEC and Healthy East Chicago are partnering with the East Chicago Fitness Center visit



Foundations of East Chicago