East Chicago Carnegie Performing Arts Center Inc., part of the East Chicago Arts Initiative (ECAI), has put most of their resources over the last seven years into improving the arts education opportunities in East Chicago, and they believe the El Sistema Orchestra program will be a good fit.
Students want to be given the opportunity to express their creativity through art in school. So why an orchestra for students in East Chicago? The School City of East Chicago has not had a school band or orchestra in 16 years. The El Sistema Orchestra provides a chance for group efforts to be showcased rather than solo performances. Being a part of an orchestra requires teamwork, discipline, and focus. If one person is struggling, the group is struggling. This teaches students the importance of group-related projects and how to manage their efforts in groups in other life experiences.
ECAI introduces music in grades 4 – 6 because studies show that, when children are taught music at a young age, they have a higher chance of retaining their skills and continuing with music programs throughout high school and college. The El Sistema program will lay the foundation for a lifelong passion for music in East Chicago students.
ECAI believes art and music are vital to child development and education. To learn more about what this and other East Chicago organizations are doing for local students, visit www.FoundationsEC.org.