The Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance (NWIRA) is a nonprofit organization that works to better the lives of those living in Northwest Indiana through financial counseling, business guidance and assessment of housing concerns. This is accomplished through numerous programs and classes. The NWIRA has, with funding from the Foundations of East Chicago, held free entrepreneurship classes for those residents wishing to start their own businesses. The NWIRA has also partnered on the Lake County Housing Taskforce to help homeowners in the area.


The Taskforce is forged through the cooperation of the NWIRA and the Lake County Community Economic Development Department. The mission of the Taskforce is to identify and assess housing and financial issues facing Lake County residents. According to the NWIRA website, this is accomplished through the meeting of the following five goals:


-Goal 1: Identify Housing Issues in Lake County Factors

-Goal 2: Identify Housing Needs Factors
-Goal 3: Identify and Address Financial Concerns Impacting Housing Factors
-Goal 4: Advance Communications on Housing Issues Collectively Factors
-Goal 5: Develop Specific Recommendations for Policy Makers and Community Factors


For more information on the Lake County Housing Taskforce, visit



Foundations of East Chicago