Healing Our People Entirely: The Jasmin Project is a program geared toward awareness and assistance to the mental health and suicide prevention of the people of East Chicago. This Foundations of East Chicago (FEC) grantee trains adults in ways to identify people who may need assistance in depression, behavioral disorders and substance abuse.
Having access to mental health resources is unfortunately not something many East Chicago residents have. Compassion in Action, Inc, the organization providing The Jasmin Project, specifically targets (but is not limited to) the lower income bracket of East Chicago. According to the US Census Bureau, the median household income for East Chicago is $27,264 and Lake County, IN is $50,905. Through the capabilities of funding, the program can serve people at a greater capacity than ever before, especially helping the demographic who does not have the same access to mental health resources.
Funding will go toward the preparation, QPR training (Question, Persuade, Refer), ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and education of adults within the program. Mentorship and after school activities such as videography, photography and the arts, which help people find purpose and drive in their life. The end goal is to help the people of East Chicago have rich, fulfilling and healthy lives.
The Foundations of East Chicago provides funding for programs in East Chicago. Learn more about becoming a grantee.