Moms Taking Charge (MTC) is a program created to assist mothers.
These mothers are heads of households that are facing challenging situations. They face these challenges every day. They must overcome these challenges in order to provide a safe environment for their family to live.
The mothers who are clients of Moms Taking Charge come from various backgrounds with varying needs.
Some backgrounds and needs of these moms include:
– Women who started families at a young age who need to learn parenting skills
– Women who want to return to school but do not know where to begin
– Women who want to work, but do not know how to apply online and may lack access to a computer
Moms Taking Charge helps meet these needs of women and their families by offering transportation to their parenting classes and providing access to computers and online resources such as applying for health benefits or job searching. We provide guest speakers to talk about life issues.
These services and more exist because of the funding granted through Foundations of East Chicago.
To learn more about how the programs the Foundations of East Chicago funds, check out our website, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.