As the Nazareth Home progresses with its program assisting children that have experienced trauma, they have taken time to prioritize and decide what the main objectives of the program will be.


The main focus of the program is to provide the staff and volunteers with the proper training to ensure that they are a positive influence on the children while helping them cope with their traumatic experiences. Most of the time, children that have been in foster care have been abused and/or neglected, and while many have suffered physically, there can be mental and emotional traumas, as well. These children that have experienced maltreatment sometimes develop different perceptions and reactions towards the world they live in, which can result in a lack of some of the familiar social and reactive skills children commonly have. By educating themselves on some of these processes, the staff and volunteers can better help these children.


The training program is necessary for the staff and volunteers in order to take the appropriate precautions when working with traumatized children. It will make them better caretakers for the traumatized children while also developing a better understanding of what is required to guide the child.


Additionally, the staff and volunteers will also begin to experience some of the feelings the children have, such as sadness. This allows the caregivers to have a better understanding of what the child needs from them. This program also answers the specific request from the staff and volunteers regarding more training opportunities to better meet the needs of the children.


With the help of the Foundations of East Chicago (FEC), the Nazareth Home was able to meet the needs of their staff and volunteers to better assist their children in need. To learn more about grantees such as Nazareth Home, visit


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