Because the organizational structure and mission of nonprofits are so different from for-profit businesses, they face a distinct set of challenges, including engaging and retaining donors, sustainability, and a shortage of resources. If your organization has ever experienced one or more of these challenges, check out the following tips for overcoming and enjoying success in your nonprofit.

 1) Engaging and Retaining Donors

Nonprofits cannot survive without their donors. This is why it is important that all of your donors, whether they be individuals, companies, or foundations, feel appreciated at all times. Thank them with letters, gifts, or online postings.

Donors also like to know where their money is going. Show them what your organization does with donations by keeping in contact via email newsletters and social posts. Invite them to attend events as special guests. This will not only position them to be seen as someone who helps your organization, but will give them some insight into what their money is doing for the community.

Remain at the forefront of your donors’ minds with regular communication. Web presence, social presence, and email newsletters help to accomplish this.

 2) Sustainability

In order to remain viable, nonprofits must be run like businesses. Tap into professional relationships during times of need and always be promoting your mission to those around you to further build those relationships. Getting people with influence to buy into your mission will prove to be valuable when your organization is in need of resources or support.

 3) Not Enough Resources

This is where the forging of professional relationships will really pay off. Find other organizations with missions similar to yours and create mutually beneficial partnerships with them. You will be able to help each other get through the tough times by pooling your resources when necessary. These registered Indiana nonprofits might be a good place to start looking for potential partners.

For more information on how to achieve success for your nonprofit, visit


Taking on the Challenges Facing Nonprofits