While collaborating with Early Learning Partnership of Northwest Indiana, the Foundations of East Chicago (FEC) has adopted a new Ready to Soar school readiness program that will begin this fall. The intention of the program is to create an easy transition into school for incoming kindergarten children.


The program consists of both school and home services as the parents and children prepare to enter kindergarten together. The services will be free of charge and they include screenings and sharing results. Individualized parent consultations and workshops are also provided to ensure that strategies are formed and implemented when the students are entering kindergarten.


The project will revolve around three major beliefs: 1. The belief that early engagement by parents is critical, 2. The belief that early student success is a result of smooth transitioning to kindergarten programs, 3. The idea that a collaboration between schools, professionals and parents can increase the chances for positive outcomes for young students.


The project start date will be August 01, 2016 and will end June 30, 2017 and will be held within the five East Chicago public elementary schools. To learn more about this program, contact Kimberly Smith, Executive Director of Early Learning Partnership, at (219) 554-1710.

