Over the years, Foundations of East Chicago has partnered with countless organizations in the community with the goal of improving the lives of the citizens of East Chicago. FEC has been able to support these citizens through scholarships, grants and programs of its own.
Each year, FEC gives out a number of grants to nonprofit organizations in East Chicago. These organizations provide many different opportunities and services to Northwest Indiana residents such as educational assistance and opportunities, recreational activities and health care.
In 2014, FEC was able to issue grants to 22 organizations for their good-works programs including Communities in Schools in Lake County, Food Bank of Northwest Indiana, St. Stanislaus School and Feed My Sheep.
Communities in Schools in Lake County offered a program called STEM Academy that promotes the teaching of math and science-related topics to elementary-aged students. This program worked to make these topics relatable and interesting for the kids and was funded by FEC.
While there are programs in place for kids to receive food during the time they are in school, Food Bank of Northwest Indiana started a program that helps to make sure that kids are fed outside of school hours. This FEC-funded program packs 200 backpacks full of food for kids to take home with them on weekends or on vacations from school.
In 2014, St. Stanislaus School launched an anti-bullying campaign which was funded by an FEC grant. The goal of this program was to educate students on bullying and how to stop it.
Feed My Sheep provides educational and recreational programs for community members of all ages. The program that received FEC funding in 2014 was PEARLS which focuses on the empowerment of young girls. This program allows the girls to meet and discuss their stances on current issues and listen to guest speakers.
It is because of grant funding from FEC that these organizations and many others like them have been able to take hold in the community and help the citizens of East Chicago to continue to thrive.